Elevate Your Watermelon Game: "Every Slice, a Work of Art: A Must-Have Tool for Watermelon Lovers"

 Tired of struggling with knives and messy cutting board just to cut your watermelon, worry no more, our watermelon cutter is the best answer to your problem. Our innovative watermelon cutter is designed to make your experience a smooth one.


Say goodbye to messy, uneven slices and hello to perfectly cut refreshing watermelon pieces that everyone will love. Unlock the Secret to Quick and Clean Watermelon Slicing, Prepare watermelon for your family and friends in seconds, without the mess. Dive into the simplicity of perfect slices for everyone.


TODAY’S PRICE: #25,500

Master the Artistry of Watermelon Presentation, Crafting beautiful watermelon slices isn’t just for chefs; it’s for anyone who appreciates a delicious, refreshing treat. Our watermelon cutter allows you to master the art of watermelon presentation effortlessly.


Our watermelon Cutter allows you to Discover the Perfect Companion and unforgettable experience with the right companion, our watermelon cutter, by your side. Whether you’re at the beach, by the pool, in your home or in your backyard, this tool ensures you have the perfect snack ready to enjoy at a moment’s notice.


Experience Watermelon Redefined

 Enjoy Watermelon Like Never Before with Our Cutter

 Dive into the world of redefined watermelon enjoyment. Our cutter takes the hassle out of slicing, allowing you to focus on what matters most – relishing every bite of sweet, succulent watermelon




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4: You are also required to pay a commitment fee of #3000 before this item will be sent to you, this will act as part payment for the item, this is to help us filter out unserious customers who are not ready to buy but just playing around on Facebook, thanks for your understanding, 

It hurts our biz a lot when an unserious customer orders our product only to abandon it at the point of delivery just because it is payment on delivery, pls don’t order if you don’t need it.

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